Something New!

This will be my first attempt ever to BLOG! Yes, even old, retired schoolteachers must keep learning.

So, welcome to Latest News from Laura. This is my attempt to keep our sponsors, volunteers, and friends in the loop as to what is going on with Conway EcoFest. Treci Buchanan gave us years of her time as executive director and in other capacities. Thank you, Treci! I am the incoming Executive Director, Laura Traffanstedt.

As you may or may not know, there was no Festival in 2019 and, from the comments I’ve gotten from the public, we were missed! During 2019, we greeted two new Board members, Kristen Griffin and Melissa Lombardi. Our organization adopted 2 Conway streets for clean-up, did outreach at the downtown Farmer’s Market, and supported Earth Day at Hendrx College. The greatest amount of support was given to the Green Space Initiative. Wunderhaus held four markets at which CEF assisted with children’s crafts and organization. Money raised at the markets will be used toward establishing a Green Space in downtown Conway. Plans are still in the works for what that will look like.

We are now working toward obtaining grants and sponsorships for 2020. If you or someone you know might be interested in a sponsorship or donation, you can contact me at and I would be happy to speak with you. Have a great holiday and Happy New Year from Conway EcoFest.

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